Monday 9 January 2012

Filming Locations

Opening City Shots 

For the first few shots of our opening scene, we needed long shots of a city, preferably a busy London location at night. There were a few locations that came to mind when we began to think about iconic London locations; the Millennium Wheel and South Bank, Trafalgar Square, Oxford Street and being a few of them. However, the practicality of filming in these places has to also be considered and we will have to visit them one evening to see if it would be possible to get the right camera angles and shots.

By Rebecca

Inside of the Club 

For the interior of the club, we have two options to consider.
  • Firstly, we could travel with our main actor to a real club and film the shots of her moving through the crowd. The benefit of doing this would be that the background / settings would be completely realistic and believable, it would be easy to create the correct atmosphere and also the lighting would be that of an actual club. The disadvantages would be that it may be difficult to transform the filming equipment and get it into a club, clubs have age limits and some of us are under 18 and also we would have to consider a lot of safety factors. Also, we might find it hard to get the exact shots we want because obviously we could not direct the crowd at the club.
  • Secondly, we could use the interior of our school's theatre. The benefit of this would be that we could select all of the people that were there and could therefore give them directions to make sure that we get the best possible outcome. In addition to this, more factors would be under our control, such as costume, lighting and the design / layout of the location. However, there would be much more organisation required in order to create a club look and atmosphere inside of a theatre and we would have to find quite a lot of people to act in this scene.

By Lauren

Alleyway / street scenes and the attack 

After thinking about the kind of feel that we want the alleyway / attack scenes to have, we decided to film the scenes near to an old looking brick wall. We then had to decide whether we wanted to find a suitable location within the school or whether we wanted to film outside on a public street / alleyway. There were many factors that affected our decision - how we would transport equipment to the location, the lighting of the scene, safety, travelling to and from the location and the amount of control we had over the surroundings.

  • If we filmed in a more public place, we would be unable to control people walking past and outside noise. Also, it would be difficult to transport the equipment and find places to plug in the lighting. Safety would also be an issue, especially having the actors travel to and from the location and the security of the equipment. However, it would be much easier to create the look of a real alleyway and maintain the atmosphere of a street at night. 
  • If we filmed inside of the school, we would have to figure out how to make it look like a convincing alleyway. Although we would have more control over the look of the surroundings, we would find it more difficult to get a specific location where we could create a realistic looking scene. Transporting the equipment would be much easier, and we wouldn't have to worry about travel to and from the location.

By Rana

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