Monday 26 March 2012

Marketing The Film

Film promotion

by Rebecca

City Lights Opening 2 Minutes

by Lauren, Rana and Rebecca

The Club Scene - Problem solving

After sending out an invitation to ask people to come to the filming of our club scene, we ended up with a cast of 10 people. At first, we did not think that this would be enough people to make the scene look convincing, especially since we were not actually filming in a club setting. However, we started to think more creatively about the shots we were going to use and realised that the only important thing was that we keep the shots zoomed in enough, and also that we make the frame look busy.

The first shot we chose to film was from above the heads of the actors, this not only gives us variety and a party atmosphere, but it also makes the 'club' look very busy and energetic.

The second shot we used was a simple medium shot, where we could see the characters from the waist upwards. Although this could be seen as a boring choice of shot, we thought that it would be great to cut into the other shots to keep the scene fast paced. It also allows the audience to see the body language of the actors in addition to their facial expressions.

Finally, we shot from lower down by tilting the camera upwards because this put the lighting behind the heads of the actors, creating the look of glowing silhouettes. It makes it look like there is a lot of movement, as people pass in front of the light.

By Rebecca andLauren

Thursday 22 March 2012

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Revised script

1.) Ext Night

Shots of the city at night. Cars moving, neon lights and traffic.

2.) Int Night

Quote stated by protagonist. Dark room lit from behind. Silhouette of the main characters face.

3.) Int Night Inside of club & Ransom pictures shown

Loud music plays. People are dancing, standing, carrying drinks and laughing. Lighting is dark but faces are clear. The focus is on the main character as she moves through the crowed. She carries a drink, greets the people that she recognises and moves closer to view.

Antagonist prepares the photographs of the main character. Lays them out on the table and writes on the back of them. Different angles cut in with club scene.

4.) Ext Night Alleyway

Main character leaves nightclub. Walks out of door and down alleyway. The music fades as door closes and we move further away from club (POV shot). Camera follows her down the alleyway, she slightly stumbles on her shoes and does not pay attention to surroundings.

5.) Attack scene & voiceover

Flickering images in attack scene. Black screen when character is talking. The images cut in to interrupt the voiceover.

6.) Ext Night Ransom photos revealed

Protagonist leans against wall and kneels next to the dead body of the Antagonist. Picks ups photographs individually and looks at them. Main character runs into distance.

by Lauren

Attack scene - New Ideas

For our attack scene, which was initially going to be filmed in a similar style to our other scenes (eg, the club exiting scene), we have had another idea. We were concerned that there would be a lack of atmosphere in our fight scene, and that the suspense would not be enough to leave the audience wanting to see more. Therefore we thought that the best thing to do was to add a more mysterious feel to the fight and leave some things unexplained.

A good way to do that would be to have 'black gaps' in the fight scene , where the suspense is built and there is a more threatening atmosphere. Therefore we thought that we would take still images of the fight and transform it into a flickering fight sequence with a voiceover. We were inspired by the style of this music video...

... , especially the way in which it cuts different angles of the same scene together using the flickering of white and black screens. It also carries a chilling, eerie atmosphere, which fits in well with our film and may help to maintain a sense of mystery and tension throughout.

by Rebecca