Monday 28 November 2011

First Draft of Script

1.) Ext        Night

Shots of the city at night. Cars moving, neon lights and traffic.

2.) Int      Night         Inside of club

Loud music plays. People are dancing, standing, carrying drinks and laughing. Lighting is dark but faces are clear. The focus is on the main character as she moves through the crowed. She carries a drink, greets the people that she recognises and moves closer to view.

3.) Ext      Night        Alleyway

Main character leaves nightclub. Walks out of door and down alleyway. The music fades as door closes and we move further away from club. Camera follows her down the alleyway, she slightly stumbles on her shoes and does not pay attention to surroundings.

See dark figure in the background. Main character gets closer to mystery figure. Suddenly, the mystery figure confronts main character and grabs her from behind.

Main character: (confused) "What are you doing?" (becomes more scared) "Stop, get off of me".

Mystery figure tightens grip and tries to pull main character away from the wall.

Main character: (shouting) "Get off! Help me".

Main character turns and after a struggle grabs mystery characters head and slams it against the wall. Mystery character falls to the ground.

6.) Ext      Night      Ransom note and photos revealed

by Lauren and Rana 

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